Ferryland and the Colony of Avalon

Table of Contents


History of Ferryland

Colony of Avalon Walking Tour

Archaeology at Ferryland

The Artifacts

Glossary: Colony of Avalon

Ferryland Names

Some Ferryland Residents since 1597


Documents Relating to Ferryland: 1597 to 1726

Richard Hakluyt; 1597
Extract from "The voyage of Master Charles Leigh, and divers others to Cape Breton and the Isle of Ramea"

John Guy; 29 July, 1612
Letter to John Slany [from Cupids]

David Pieterzoon de Vries; 1620
Abstract from H.T. Colenbrander (ed.), Korte Historiael ende Journaels aenteyckeninge, van verscheyden voyagiens in de vier delen des wereldts-ronde, als Europa, Africa, Asia ende Amerika, gedaen door David Pieterz. De Vries, Werken uitgegevn door De Linschoten-Vereeniging, vol. 3 (Gravenhage, Netherlands, 1911) 20-26.

Edward Winne; 26 August, 1621
Letter to Sir George Calvert [later Lord Baltimore, from Ferryland]

Edward Winne; 28 August, 1621
Letter to Sir George Calvert [later Lord Baltimore, from Ferryland]

Edward Wynne; 28 July, 1622
Letter to George Calvert [from Ferryland]

Daniel Powell; 28 July, 1622
Letter to George Calvert [from Ferryland]

Edward Wynne; 17 August, 1622
Letter to George Calvert [from Ferryland]

Nicholas Hoskins; 18 August, 1622
Letter to W.P. [from Ferryland]

William Alexander; 1625
extract from An Encouragement to Colonies (London, Wm Stansby, 1625), 25-26.

Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore; 15 March, 1625
Letter to Sir John Coke

Erasmus Stourton; 9 October, 1628
Examination [before the Justices of the Peace at Plymouth]

Southampton Customer; 9 April, 1629
Extract from Port Book

Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore; 19 August, 1629
Letter to King Charles I

[Brother] Simon Stock; 1 January, 1631
Letter to Propaganda Fide

Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore; April 14, 1632

William Peasely, John Langford and Thomas Fludd; 1 February, 1633
"The Inventory of the estate of Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore"

Privy Council; 14 June, 1639
Extract from Acts

[Sir] David Kirke; 2 October, 1639
Letter to Archbishop Laud [from Ferryland]

[Sir] David Kirke; 3 July, 1646
Record of a order to draw bills of exchange

[Sir] David Kirke; 1 October, 1646
"Memorandum and Orders to John Bodington"

Richard Russell [of Charlestown, Massachusetts]; 13 March, 1647
Bill of sale for the bark HOPEWELL of New England

Richard Russell [of Charlestown, Massachusetts]; 13 March, 1647
Bill of sale for the ketch JUDITH of New England

David Kirke and Nicholas Shapley; 8 September 1648
Invoice of Goods shipped aboard the DAVID of Ferryland...

Charles I [King of England]; 11 November 1648
Letter to Sir David Kirke [from Newport, Isle of Wight]

Robert Gybbes [Mayor of Plymouth, Devon], et al.; 1650
Petiton to the Council of State from Robert Gybbes, et al., dealing with planters, cod, fisheries, taxes, wine, and brandy

Cecil Calvert [Second Lord Baltimore]; 8 December, 1651
Extract from Libel [in Baltimore vs David Kirke]

Counsel for Cecil Calvert [Second Baron Baltimore]; 23 December, 1651
"The Lord Baltimore's Case, concerning the Province of Avalon..."

James Pratt; 11 March, 1652
Deposition [in Baltimore vs. David Kirke]

James Pratt; 12 March, 1652
Examination [in Baltimore vs. David Kirke]

Robert Allward; 29 March, 1652
Examination [in Baltimore vs. Kirke]

Council of State; 16 June, 1652
"Instructions to Walter Sykes, Robert Street, Captain William Pyles and Captain Nicholas Redwood..."

Philip Davies; 24 August, 1652
Deposition taken at Ferryland, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Anne Love; 24 August, 1652
Deposition taken at Ferryland, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

William Poole; 24 August, 1652
Deposition taken at Ferryland, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

William Poole; 24 August, 1652
Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

John Stevens; 24 August, 1652
Deposition taken at Ferryland, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Amy Taylor; 24 August, 1652
Deposition taken at Ferryland, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

John Stevens; 26 August, 1652
Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Amy Taylor; 29 August, 1652
Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

John Slaughter; 30 August, 1652
Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Philip Davys; 31 August, 1652
Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Anne Love; 31 August, 1652
Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

John Slaughter; 31 August, 1652
Deposition taken at Ferryland, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Sir David Kirke; 29 January, 1653
Libel [in Baltimore vs. David Kirke]

William Hill; 15 February, 1653
Examination [in Baltimore vs. David Kirke]

John Treworgie and William Pyles; 24 April, 1654
Extract from "The further reasons and desires of John Treworgie and William Pyles, late Commissioners in Newfoundland"

Anon.; 24 April, 1654
"Upon the several petitions of John Treworgie, Walter Sykes and William Pyles"

[Reverend] Richard Blinman; 22 August, 1659
Extract from Letter to John Winthrop, junior [from Ferryland]

[Lady] Sara Kirke; 1660
Letter to Charles II [from Ferryland]

Charles Hill; 12 September, 1661
Letter to John Kirke [of London]

William Wrixon, Ann Love and Amy Wrixon; 13 September, 1661
"Concerning the Lord Baltimore's possession of Newfoundland"

James Yonge; 1663
Extract from "A journal of all the memorable occurances of my life"

William Swanley [agent for Cecil Calvert, second Lord Baltimore] et al.; 30 August, 1663
"An Act Made by the Tenants of Avalon"

Thomas Cruse; 27 November, 1667
Deposition [taken at Totnes, before commissioners appointed by the Privy Council]

John Cull; 27 November, 1667
Deposition [taken at Totnes, before commissioners appointed by the Privy Council]

Thomas Pitcher; 27 November, 1667
Deposition [taken at Totnes, before commissioners appointed by the Privy Council]

[Captain] Dudley Lovelace; 29 March, 1675
"An Account of the Dutch Fleet upon the Coast of Newfoundland in the year 1673"

[Sir] John Berry [Captain HMS BRISTOLL]; 12 September, 1675
A List of the Planters Names in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1675

[Sir] John Berry [Captain HMS BRISTOL]; 12 September, 1675
A List of ships Fishing in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1675

[Captain] John Wyborne; 7 December, 1676
The names of the English inhabitants, with the number of boats and men, and their wives and children in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1676

[Captain] John Wyborne; 7 December, 1676
An Account of the Ships Fishing in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1676

[Captain] John Wyborn; 7 December, 1676
An Account of Sack Ships trading in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1676

[Sir] William Poole [Captain HMS LEOPARD]; 10 September, 1677
"A particular Account of all the Inhabitants and Planters..." in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1677

[Sir] William Poole [Captain HMS LEOPARD]; 10 September, 1677
Account of Fishing Ships at Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1677

[Sir] William Poole [Captain HMS LEOPARD]; 10 September, 1677
An Account of Sack Ships in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1677

James Story [Captain HMS ANTELOPE]; 1 September, 1681
An Account of Fishing and Sack Ships in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1681

James Story [Captain HMS ANTELOPE]; 1 September, 1681
An Account of Planters in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1681

Daniel Jones [Captain HMS DIAMOND]; 12 September, 1682
An Account of the Inhabitants in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1682

Francis Wheler [Captain HMS TYGER]; 27 October, 1684
An Account of the Inhabitants in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1684

Francis Wheler [Captain HMS TYGER]; 27 October, 1684
An Account of Fishing Ships in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1684

Francis Wheler [Captain HMS TYGER]; 27 October, 1684
An account of the sack ships that loaded at [Ferryland] in Newfoundland, 1684

Henry Southwood; 1689
Extract from "A True Description of the Course and Distance of the Capes, Bayes, Coves, Ports and Harbours in Newfoundland..."

[Captain] Charles Hawkins; 16 December, 1691
Extract from "Answers to the several heads of Inquiries from the Lords of the Committee of Trade concerning Newfoundland in the year 1691"

Thomas Crawley [Captain HMS RESERVE]; 15 October, 1692
An Account of the Number of the Inhabitants etc., in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1692

Joseph Buckley; 1693
Extract from "Ledger 1693"

Edward Davis; 23 September, 1695

[Captain] William Holman; 17 September, 1696
"An account of Captain William Holman's charge in Defending the Harbour of Ferryland in the Newfoundland against the French, the first of August 1694"

10 November, 1696 to 19 November, 1696; [Abbi] Jean Baudoin
Extracts from "Journal du voyage que j'ay fait avec M.úD'Iberville, Capitaine de Frigate de France en l'acadie en l'isle de terre-neuve" [Journal of the Voyage that I made with M.úd'Iberville, Captain of a French Frigate, to Acadia to the Island of Newfoundland]

John Clappe et al.; 1697 ["the constant inhabitants of Ferryland"]
Petition to William III

[Colonel] J. Gibson; 28 June, 1697
Extract from Letter to Board of Trade [from St. John's]

[Commodore] John Norris; 27 September, 1698
An Account of the Inhabitants in Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1698

[Commodore] John Norris; 13 November, 1698
List of Ships, with their Ladings, trading to Ferryland and Caplin Bay, 1698

Andrew Leake [Captain HMS HAMPSHIRE]; 17 September, 1699
Extract from "The Answer to the Enquiries from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Council of Trade and Plantations"

11 September, 1700; [Captain] Stafford Fairbourne
An Account of the Fishery etc. at Ferryland and Caplin Bay in the year 1700

Captain Graydon; 20 September, 1701
An Account of the Fishery etc. at Ferryland, 1701

George Strange et al. [Merchants of Bideford]; 21 January, 1706
Petition to the Board of Trade

[Commodore] John Underdown; 11 November, 1706
An Account of the Inhabitants, Boats, Stages, Fishing Ships, Fish caught etc., in Ferryland in the year 1706

James Benger et al. [Commanders of Barnstaple and Bideford ships resorting to Ferryland, merchants trading and inhabitants living there]; 10 January, 1707
Petition to the Board of Trade

William Healle [of St. John's]; 14 August, 1707
Deposition [re Campbell's allegations against Major Lloyd]

Richard Hartnoll et al.; 15 September, 1707
Deposition [made at Ferryland]

Alexander Penprayse, William Shortt and John Flatcher; 27 September, 1707

Anthony Gay; 16 October, 1707

Mary Benger [Mary Kirke]; 23 March, 1708

Thomas Cleasby [Captain HMS SAPHIRE, 1696, Captain HMS LIME, 1697, Captain HMS MARY GALLY, 1699]; 23 March, 1708

William Popple [Secretary of the Board of Trade]; 1 April, 1708
"Letter to the [C. Spenser, Third] Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State, enclosing a representation upon the petition of Mr Benger and his Wife, complaining of their being dispossessed of a plantation in Ferryland, etc."

Benjamin Marston; 20 April, 1708
Instructions for Captain Robert Holmes

John Mitchell [Captain HMS WARWICK]; 2 December, 1708
A List of Masters, Names of Fishing Ships, with the State of their Fishery at Ferryland, 1708

John Mitchels [Captain HMS WARWICK]; 2 December, 1708
A List of the Inhabitants etc., for Ferryland, 1708

John Fletcher and Griffith Russell; 15 September, 1708

Richard Amiss et al. [Inhabitants of Buoys Island, off Ferryland, Newfoundland]; May, 1709
Petition to Governor Joseph Dudley of Massachusetts

Archibald Cumings; 1 February, 1710
"The Memorial of Archibald Cumings in relation to the fortifying of Ferryland in Newfoundland..."

Benjamin Marston [merchant of Salem, Massachusetts]; 26 March, 1710
"Account Book entry for Doctor Richard Amass [Richard Amiss], Ferryland, Newfoundland"

11 August, 1726 to 16 September, 1726; Edward Burd [Supercargo of the CHRISTIAN of Leith, Scotland, 1726-1727]
Extract from "Journal of a Voyage from Leith to Newfoundland, Barcelona, etc."