John Fletcher and Griffith Russell; 15 September, 1708
Great Britain, PRO, Colonial Office,
CO 194/4 (77viii), 315.
CNS microfilm. Transcribed by P.E. Pope.
Whereas a paper was laid before the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of Trade etc., beginning with the words "The Case of Mrs Benger setting forth her right to a Plantation called the Pool Plantation in Ferryland" and whereas in the latter part of the said paper of Mrs Benger [Mary Benger = Mary Kirke], it expresseth that she was not disturbed of her property thereunto until the year or two when Major Lloyd [Major Thomas Lloyd, garrison commander at St. John's from 1705], to gratify his private revenge, has forbid the tenants to pay rent etc. We these deponents, on the Holy Evangelist of God, voluntarily make oath, that we rented the said Pool Plantation at Ferryland from Mrs. Benger and her husband [James Benger], for forty eight pounds [£ 48] a year, during the time it was in our possession, which was the year 1707. Major Lloyd never did forbid us to pay the rent of the said plantation to Mrs Benger or her husband nor never concerned himself with us, the said deponents, directly or indirectly, about the plantation, neither did we ever hear, nor do we believe that ever Major Lloyd was at Ferryland, until this present summer. And further say not.
his [signed] John XX Fletcher mark |
his Griffith X Russell mark |
Jurat coram nobis [Sworn before us] 15 September, 1708 ... Hartland Thomas King, admiral |