PRINTED SOURCES: Chronological List
Books and manuscripts from which citations have been drawn are listed with identifying date of publication (and
sometimes date of the original version in square brackets) and either author's name or a short title, followed by
essential bibliographical information. An index of authors' names follows in the next section, which also lists
newspapers and periodicals.
[c1497-1522] 1962 Cabot Voyages (ed Williamson) = The Cabot Voyages and Bristol Discovery under Henry VII, ed James Alexander Williamson, b 1886, (Cambridge: Published for the Hakluyt Society, 1962)
[1578] 1935 Richard Hakluyt [Parkhurst's letter] = The Original Writings & Correspondence of the Two Richard Hakluyts, vol. i, ed E.G.R. Taylor (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1935)
[1610-30] 1982 CELL (ed) = Gillian T. Cell (ed), Newfoundland Discovered: English Attempts at Colonisation, 1610-1630 (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1982)
[c1610-1634] Willoughby Papers = a collection of inventories and letters relating to the colony at Cupids, preserved in the Middleton MSS (Mi X) at Nottingham University.
1626 [VAUGHAN] The Golden Fleece = Sir William Vaughan, 1575-1641, The Golden Fleece...Transported from...the Newfoundland, by Orpheus Iunior (London: Printed for Francis Williams, 1626)
[1663-70] 1963 YONGE = James Yonge, 1647-1721, The Journal of James Yonge, Plymouth Surgeon, ed F.N.L. Poynter (London: Longmans, 1963)
1689 English Pilot = The English Pilot, The Fourth Book (London: Printed for William Fisher and John Thornton, 1689)
1703 LAHONTAN (ed Thwaites) = Lahontan's New Voyages to North-America, 1666-1715?, ed Reuben Gold Thwaites, 2 vols. (New York: Burt Franklin, 1905; rpt 1970)
1708 OLDMIXON = John Oldmixon, 1673-1742, The British Empire in America, 2 vols. (London: J. Nicholson, B. Tooke, 1708)
1724 TREBY = Henry Treby, A Narrative of the Shipwreck and Distress Suffered by Mr Thomas Manson, of Lympson in Devon, and his Ship's Crew, near the Coast of Newfoundland, in the Year 1704 (Exon: Andrew Brice, 1724)
[1766] 1971 BANKS (ed Lysaght) = Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1820, Joseph Banks in Newfoundland and Labrador 1766: His Diary, Manuscripts and Collections, ed A.M. Lysaght (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971)
[1768] 1828 CARTWRIGHT = F.D. Cartwright (ed), The Life and Correspondence of Major [John] Cartwright, [1740-1824], 2 vols. (London: Colburn, 1826)
[1783] 1955 GARDNER = James Anthony Gardner, 1770-1846, Above and Under Hatches/being Naval Recollections in shreds and patches with strange reflections, ed Christopher Lloyd (London: The Batchworth Press, 1955)
[1792] 1989 PULLING (ed Marshall) = Ingeborg C.L. Marshall, Reports and Letters by George Christopher Pulling Relating to the Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland, [1766-1819], (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1989)
[1794] 1968 THOMAS = Aaron Thomas, Able Seaman in H.M.S. Boston, b 1762, The Newfoundland Journal of Aaron Thomas, ed Jean M. Murray (London: Longmans, 1968)
[1799] 1801 [THORESBY] = A Narrative of God's Love to William Thoresby, b 1763?, 2nd ed (Redruth: Printed by J. Bennett, 1801)
[1807] 1971 HERIOT = George Heriot, 1766-1844, Travels through the Canadas (London: Richard Phillips, 1807; rpt. Toronto: Coles Publishing, 1971)
1818 CHAPPELL = Edward Chappell, 1792-1861, Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Rosamond to Newfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador (London: Printed for J. Mawman, 1818)
1819 ANSPACH = Lewis Amadeus Anspach, A History of the Island of Newfoundland (London: Printed for the Author, 1819)
1821-24 LATHAM = John L. Latham, 1740-1837, A General History of Birds (Winchester: Jacob and Johnson, 1821-1824)
1832 MOSS MS Diary = Moss Diary, 1832: "Remarks at Battle Harbor [Labrador] from 9th. Feb. 1832 until 7th. Sept. 1832." (P3/B/3, PANL)
[1833-47] 1984-86 BAYFIELD = Henry Wolsey Bayfield, 1795-1885, The St Lawrence Survey Journals of Captain Henry Wolsey Bayfield, 2 vols, ed Ruth McKenzie (Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1984, 1986)
1837 BLUNT = Edmund M. Blunt, 1770-1862, The American Coast Pilot, 13th ed (New York: Edmund and George W. Blunt, 1837)
1837-42 ENGLAND MS Journal = Rev. James England, ?1815-1878, manuscript journal of Wesleyan missionary activities largely in Conception Bay, in possession of Edward Chafe
1839 TUCKER = Ephraim W. Tucker, b 1821, Five Months in Labrador and Newfoundland (Concord: I.S. Boyd and W. White, 1839)
1842 BONNYCASTLE = Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle, 1791-1848, Newfoundland in 1842, 2 vols. (London: H. Colburn, 1842)
1842 JUKES = Joseph Beete Jukes, 1811-1869, Excursions in and about Newfoundland, during the Years 1839 and 1840, 2 vols. (London: John Murray, 1842)
[1846-50] 1983 [ROUSE] (ed Street) = The Journal of Oliver Rouse Anglican Missionary in Newfoundland: September 1846 to May 1850, [1820-1869], ed John C. Street (Madison, Wisconsin: John C. Street, 1983)
1849 TOCQUE = Rev. Philip Tocque, 1814-1899, comp. Newfoundland Almanack, for...1849 (St John's: Philip Tocque, 1849)
1854 MOSS MS Journal = William P. Moss, b 1838, manuscript journal deposited in Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives
1857-1864 LIND MS Diary = Rev. Henry Lind, 1805-1870, manuscript diary of residence at Sandy Point, St George's Bay, deposited in Centre for Newfoundland Studies.
[?1858 GREY] = William Grey, 1819-1872, Sketches of Newfoundland and Labrador (Ipswich: S.H. Cowell, [1858])
1858 [LOWELL] = Robert Lowell, 1816-1891, The New Priest in Conception Bay, 2 vols. (Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Company, 1858)
1861 DE BOILIEU = Lambert De Boilieu, Recollections of Labrador Life (London: Saunders, Otley & Co., 1861; Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1969)
1863 HIND = Henry Yule Hind, 1823-1908, Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, 2 vols. (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1863)
1863 MORETON = Rev. Julian Moreton, b 1825, Life and Work in Newfoundland: Reminiscences of Thirteen Years Spent There (London: Rivingtons, 1863)
1865 [CAMPBELL] = J.F. Campbell, 1822-1885, A Short American Tramp in the Fall of 1864 (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1865)
1866 WILSON = Rev. William Wilson, 1800?-1870, Newfoundland and Its Missionaries (Cambridge, Mass: Dakin & Metcalf, 1866)
[1867] 1989 CHIMMO (ed Kirwin) = William Chimmo's Journal of a Voyage to the N.E. Coast of Labrador during the Year 1867 ed William J. Kirwin (St John's: The editor, 1989)
1871 [JUKES] = Letters and Extracts from the Addresses and Occasional Writings of J. Beete Jukes [ed C.A. Browne] (London: Chapman and Hall, 1871)
1871 LOVELL = Lovell's Province of Newfoundland Directory for 1871 (Montreal: John Lovell, [1871?]
1878 Nfld Pilot = The Newfoundland Pilot, Comprising also the Strait of Belle Isle, and North-East Coast of Labrador (London: Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, 1878)
1883 HATTON & HARVEY = Joseph Hatton, 1841-1907, and Rev. M. Harvey, 1820-1901, Newfoundland: The Oldest British Colony, Its History, Its Present Condition, and Its Prospects in the Future (London: Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1883)
1884 DEMING = Clarence Deming, 1848-1913, By-Ways of Nature and Life (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1884)
1885 TUTTLE = Charles R. Tuttle, b 1848, Our North Land (Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson, 1885)
1895 PROWSE = D.W. Prowse, 1834-1914, A History of Newfoundland from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records (London: Macmillan and Co., 1895)
1896 SARSON = Sarson [Sarson C.J.Ingham] Adelaide's Treasure (London: Wesleyan ConferenceOffice, 1880)
[1896] SWANSBOROUGH = W. Swansborough, Newfoundland Months (St John's: G.S. Milligan, Jr., [1896])
1902 [MURPHY] = [James Murphy, 1867-1931] Songs and Ballads of Newfoundland, Ancient and Modern (St John's: [James Murphy], 1902)
1904 MCALPINE = McAlpine's Newfoundland Directory for 1904 (Halifax: McAlpine Publishing Company, Limited 1904)
1904 PEDDEL = N[icholas] Peddel, "Home Sweet Home"; Newfoundland Poems (n.p.: Standard Press, 1904)
1906 MURPHY = James Murphy, comp The Musty Past (St John's: Barnes' Print, 1906)
1907 MILLAIS = J.G. Millais, 1865-1931, Newfoundland and Its Untrodden Ways (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1907)
1907 TOWNSEND & ALLEN = Charles W. Townsend, M.D., b 1859, and Glover M. Allen, Birds of Labrador (Boston: Printed for the Society [of Natural History], 1907 = Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. xxxiii, no. 7, 277-428
1909 BROWNE = Rev. P.W. Browne, 1864-1937, Where the Fishers Go: The Story of Labrador (New York: Cochrane Publishing Company, 1909)
1910 MOUBRAY = J.M. Moubray, Notes on Some of the Common Minerals to be Found in Labrador and Newfoundland. For the Use of Fishermen and Liviers More Particularly in Labrador (St John's: J.M. Moubray, 1910)
1912 DUNCAN = Norman Duncan, 1871-1916, The Best of a Bad Job: A Hearty Tale of the Sea (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1912)
1913 THOMAS = William S. Thomas, b 1858, Trails and Tramps in Alaska and Newfoundland (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1913)
1915 HOWLEY = James P. Howley, 1847-1918, The Beothucks or Red Indians; The Aboriginal Inhabitants of Newfoundland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915)
1919 GRENFELL2 = Wilfred Thomason Grenfell, 1865-1940, A Labrador Doctor: The Autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1919)
1923 MOSDELL = H.M. Mosdell, 1883-1944, When Was That? A Chronological Dictionary of Important Events in Newfoundland (St John's: Trade Printers and Publishers, Limited, 1923)
1924 ENGLAND = George Allan England, 1877-1936, Vikings of the Ice (Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1924)
1924 MARS = P.C. Mars, The Call of Terra Nova (London: Whitehead Morris, 1924)
1925 TURNER = George E. Turner, Map of Newfoundland ([St John's:] Government of Newfoundland, 1925)
1929 TRICOCHE = George Nestler Tricoche, b 1859?, Terre-Neuve et alentours; iles de la Madeleine, Labrador, St Pierre-et-Miquelon (Paris: P. Roger, [1929])
1930 COAKER = Twenty Years of the Fishermen's Protective Union of Newfoundland from 1909-1929, compiled by Hon. Sir W.F. Coaker, 1871-1938 (St John's: Advocate Publishing Co. Ltd, 1930 [facsimile rpt 1984])
1930 KENT = Rockwell Kent, 1882-1971, N by E (Cornwall, N.Y.: The Cornwall Press, 1930)
1932 AUSTIN = Oliver Luther Austin, Jr., The Birds of Newfoundland Labrador (Cambridge: Nuttall Ornithological Club, Memoir No. 7, 1932)
1933 Nfld Royal Commission Report = [Lord Amulree], Newfoundland Royal Commission 1933 Report (London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1933)
1936 SMITH = Nicholas Smith, b 1866, Fifty-two Years at the Labrador Fishery (London: Arthur H. Stockwell, 1936)
1937-75 Bk of Nfld = The Book of Newfoundland, ed J.R. Smallwood, b 1900, vols. i, ii (St John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, Ltd., 1937); iii, iv (St John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers (1967) Ltd., 1967; v, vi (St John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers (1967) Ltd., 1975)
1937 DEVINE = P.K. Devine, 1859-1950, Devine's Folk Lore of Newfoundland in Old Words, Phrases and Expressions, Their Origin and Meaning (St John's: Robinson & Co., Ltd., 1937)
[1937] 1983 FROUDE = John W. Froude, On the High Seas: The Diary of Capt. John W. Froude, Twillingate--1863-1939 (St John's: Jesperson Press, 1983)
1937 JUNEK = Oscar Waldemar Junek, Isolated Communities; A Study of a Labrador Fishing Village (New York: American Book Company, 1937)
1937 Seafisheries of Nfld = [Hon. Mr Justice Kent et al], Report of the Commission of Enquiry Investigating the Seafisheries of Newfoundland and Labrador Other than the Sealfishery 1937 (St John's: Dicks & Co., Ltd., 1937)
1938 [MACDERMOTT] = [Hugh MacDermott], MacDermott of Fortune Bay, Told by Himself (London: Hodder and Stoughton, Limited, 1938)
1939 ALDRICH & NUTT = John W. Aldrich and David C. Nutt, 'Birds of Eastern Newfoundland.' Cleveland Museum of Natural History Scientific Publications, vol. iv, no. 2 (1939), 13-42
1941 SMALLWOOD = J.R. Smallwood (ed), Hand Book, Gazetteer and Almanac (St John's: Long Bros., [1941])
1945 MARTIN = Ronald Martin, ed and comp Poems of Action, Sentiment and Reflection (St John's: [Manning & Rabbitts], 1945)
1945 SCAMMELL = A.R. Scammell, b 1913, Mirrored Moments (Montreal: [privately printed], 1945)
1949 FITZGERALD = L.G. Fitzgerald, 1898-1965, Lone Eagles of God (New York: The Exposition Press, 1949)
1961 ROULEAU = Ernest Rouleau, b 1915, comp A Gazetteer of the Island of Newfoundland ([Montréal,] 1961)
1965 PEACOCK (ed) = Kenneth Peacock (ed), b 1922, Songs of the Newfoundland Outports 3 vols. (Ottawa: The National Museum of Canada, 1965)
1966 FARIS = Information now supplied.
1966 GUNN = Gertrude E. Gunn, b 1923, The Political History of Newfoundland 1832-1864 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966)
1966 SCAMMELL = A.R. Scammell, My Newfoundland: Stories, Poems, Songs (Montreal: Harvest House, 1966)
1968 KEATING = Bern Keating, The Grand Banks (Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1968)
1968 SMITH = Marjorie Smith, 'Newfoundland, 1815-1840: A Study of Merchantocracy' (St John's: Memorial University M.A. Thesis, 1968)
1968 MOWAT & DE VISSER = Farley Mowat, b 1921, and John De Visser, This Rock Within the Sea: A Heritage Lost (Boston: Little Brown, 1968)
1970 JANNASCH = Hans-Windekilde Jannasch, Erziehung zur Freiheit; Ein Lebensbericht (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970)
1971 SEARY = E.R. Seary, 1908-1984, Place Names of the Avalon Peninsula of the Island of Newfoundland (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971)
1971 TULK = Bob Tulk, Newfoundland Jokes (Mount Pearl, Nfld., 1971)
1972 ANDERSEN & WADEL (eds) = Raoul Andersen and Cato Wadel (eds), North Atlantic Fishermen: Anthropological Essays on Modern Fishing (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1972)
1972 DE VOLPI = Charles P. De Volpi, b 1910, Newfoundland; A Pictorial Record...1497-1887 ([Don Mills:] Longman Canada Limited, 1972)
1973 BARBOUR = Florence Grant Barbour, Memories of Life on the Labrador and in Newfoundland (New York: Carlton Press, 1973)
1973 PINSENT = Gordon Pinsent, b 1930 The Rowdyman (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, 1973)
1974 MOAKLER = Michael J. Moakler, Roll On, Grand Banks! The Saga of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland (n.p.: Michael J. Moakler, 1974)
1975 BUTLER = Victor Butler, 1896-1981, The Little Nord Easter: Reminiscences of a Placentia Bayman, ed W. Wareham (St John's: Memorial University, 1975)
1975 "Labrador Childhood" = From Erziehung zur Freiheit, Autobiography of Hans-Windekilde Jannasch, trans. L.H. Neatby (TS, 1975)
1976 HEAD = C. Grant Head, Eighteenth Century Newfoundland: A Geographer's Perspective (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1976)
1976 HOLLETT = Robert Hollett, 'Allegro Speech' (St John's: Memorial University M. Phil. essay, 1976)
1976 MERCER = Paul Mercer, comp Newfoundland Songs and Ballads in Print 1842-1974: A Title and First-line Index (St John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1979)
1977 LAMB = James B. Lamb, The Corvette Navy (Toronto: Macmillan of Canada [1977])
1977 WHITELEY = Albert S. Whiteley, A Century on Bonne Espérance; The Saga of the Whiteley Family (Ottawa: the author, 1977)
1977 Nfld Hist Soc, Winton File MS [she changed to SC] = Name File, Records of the Newfoundland Historical Society, Colonial Building, St John's
1977 Peopling of Nfld = The Peopling of Newfoundland: Essays in Historical Geography, ed John J. Mannion, b 1941, (St John's: Memorial University ISER, 1977)
1979 COOPER = Georgiana Cooper, 1885-1980, The Deserted Island; Newfoundland Verse and Paintings ed Harry A. Cuff and Everard H. King (St John's: [Harry Cuff,] 1979)
1979 GRAHAM = Frank W. Graham, "We Love thee, Newfoundland": Biography of Sir Cavendish Boyle (St John's: Valhalla Press, 1979)
1979 PORTER = Helen Porter, Below The Bridge: Memories of the South Side of St John's (St John's: Breakwater, 1979)
1980 COX = Gordon S.A. Cox, Folk Music in a Newfoundland Outport (Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1980)
1980 Halpert Festschrift = Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert: A Festschrift, ed Kenneth S. Goldstein and Neil V. Rosenberg (St John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1980)
1980 HOLMES = Albert N. Holmes, A Boat of My Own (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications, 1980)
1980 JANES = Percy Janes, b 1922, Light and Dark: Poems (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications, 1980)
1981 DAWE = Tom Dawe, Island Spell: Poems by Tom Dawe (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1981)
1981-84 Encyclopedia of Nfld and Labrador = Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador, first 2 vols., Joseph R. Smallwood, ed in chief (St John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers (1967) Limited, 1981, 1984)
1981 MAJOR = Kevin Major, Hold Fast (New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1981)
1981 PADDOCK = Harold Paddock, Tung Tyde (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications, 1981)
1981 SPARKES = R.F. Sparkes, b 1906, The Winds Softly Sigh (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1981)
1982 BURKE (ed Kirwin) = John White's Collection of the Songs of Johnny Burke, ed William J. Kirwin (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1982)
1982 BURSEY = Wallace Bursey, No Right of Spring (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1982)
1982 DAWE = Tom Dawe, A Gommil from Bumble Bee Bight and other nonsense verse (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1982)
1982 JACKSON = Lawrence Jackson, Bounty of a Barren Coast; Resource Harvest and Settlement in Southern Labrador (Happy Valley: Labrador Institute of Northern Studies, 1982)
1982 Lgs in Nfld = Languages in Newfoundland and Labrador, 2nd version, ed Harold J. Paddock (St John's: Memorial University, Department of Linguistics, 1982)
1982 MCDOOLING = Jim William McDooling, 'The Fishermen: Transition in a Northeast Coastal Community in Newfoundland' (Fredericton: University of New Brunswick M.A. Thesis, 1982)
1982 MADISON (ed) = R.D. Madison (ed), Newfoundland Summers: The Ballad Collecting of Elisabeth Bristol Greenleaf (Westerly, R.I.: Utter Company, 1982)
1983 DAWE & FICKEN = Tom Dawe and Sylvia Ficken, Angishore, Boo-man and Clumper: A Newfoundland Folk Alphabet (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1983)
1983 Gazetteer of Canada: Nfld = Gazetteer of Canada: Newfoundland, 2nd ed (Ottawa: Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, 1983)
1983 Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names = Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names (Ottawa: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1983)
1983 MARTIN = Wendy Martin, Once Upon a Mine: Story of Pre-Confederation Mines on the Island of Newfoundland (Montreal: The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1983
1983 NEARY & O'FLAHERTY = Peter Neary and Patrick O'Flaherty, Part of the Main: An Illustrated History of Newfoundland and Labrador (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1983)
1983 PEDDLE = Walter W. Peddle, The Traditional Furniture of Outport Newfoundland (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1983)
1983 ROWE = C. Francis Rowe et al, The Currency and Medals of Newfoundland (Willowdale, Ontario: The Numismatic Education Society of Canada, 1983)
1983 SOUTH (ed) = G. Robin South (ed), Biogeography and Ecology of the Island of Newfoundland (The Hague-Boston-London: Monographiae Biologicae, vol. 48, Dr W. Junk Publishers, 1983)
1983 WARNER = William W. Warner, Distant Water: The Fate of the North Atlantic Fisherman (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1983)
1984 BYRNE (ed) = Cyril J. Byrne (ed), Gentlemen-Bishops and Faction Fighters: The Letters of Bishops O Donel, Lambert, Scallan and Other Irish Missionaries, (St John's: Jesperson Press, 1984)
1984 GOUGH = William Gough, Maud's House (St John's: Breakwater, 1984)
1984 KALLEO = Josephina Kalleo, Taipsumane: A Collection of Labrador Stories (Nain, Labrador: Torngâsok Cultural Centre, 1984)
1984 KELLAND = Otto P. Kelland, b 1904, Dories and Dorymen (St John's: Robinson-Blackmore, 1984)
1984-87 PITT = David G. Pitt, b 1921, E.J. Pratt: The Truant Years 1882-1927; E.J. Pratt: The Master Years 1927-1964 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984, 1987)
1984 PITTMAN = Al Pittman, The boughwolfen and other stories [St John's: Breakwater, 1984]
1984 POWELL = Ben Powell, Labrador by Choice (St John's: Jesperson Press, 1984)
1984 ROBERTSON = Margaret R. Robertson, The Newfoundland Mummers' Christmas House-Visit (Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1984)
1984 WRIGHT = Guy David Wright, Sons and Seals: A Voyage to the Ice (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1984)
1985 ASHTON = John Ashton, 'A Study of the Lumbercamp Song Tradition in Newfoundland' (St John's: Memorial University Ph.D. Thesis, 1985)
1985 BUSCH = Briton Cooper Busch, The War against the Seals: A History of the North American Seal Fishery (Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1985)
1985 Canadian Sealers Assoc = The Canadian Sealers Association Presentation to The Royal Commission, Feb. 4
1985 DOMSTAD = Maureen Domstad and Udayakanthie Wijewanthe, Folk Medicine in the Bonne Bay Area [Canada: The authors], 1985.
1985 GOSSE = John S.R. Gosse, Whitbourne, Newfoundland's First Inland Town: Journey Back in Time 1884-1984 [Whitbourne: Inter-collegiate Press, 1985]
1985 GUY = Ray Guy, This Dear and Fine Country, ed Eric Norman (StJohn's: Breakwater Books Ltd, 1985)
1985 JOHNSTON = Wayne Johnston, The Story of Bobby O'Malley (Toronto: Oberon Press, 1985)
1985 LEHR & BEST (eds) = Genevieve Lehr and Anita Best (eds), Come and I Will Sing You: A Newfoundland Songbook (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985)
[1985] MAHER = Alfred V. Maher, My Memoirs; Memories of Sixty Years 1922-1982. (St John's: The author, 1985)
1985 NEWHOOK = Cle Newhook, Mostly in Rodneys (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1985)
1985 QUIGLEY = Colin Quigley, Close to the Floor: Folk Dance in Newfoundland (St John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Publications, 1985)
1985 RUSTED = Nigel Rusted, It's Devil Deep Down There: 50 years ago on the M.V. Lady Anderson, a mobile clinic on the S.W. coast of Newfoundland (St John's: Occasional Papers in the History of Medicine No. 5, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1985)
1985 TAYLOR = V.R. Taylor, The Early Atlantic Salmon Fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador (Ottawa: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1985)
1985 Terminology of Loggers = The Terminology of Early Newfoundland Loggers. Co-ordinator, George F. Draskoy ([St John's:] Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Dept. of Culture, Recreation and Youth, 1985)
1985 A Yaffle of Yarns = A Yaffle of Yarns: Five Newfoundland Writers: (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1985)
1986 Biblio of Nfld = Bibliography of Newfoundland, comp Agnes C. O'Dea, ed Anne Alexander, 2 vols. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in association with Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1986)
1986 FELTHAM = The Islands of Bonavista Bay (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1986)
1986 GOUDIE = Ed Goudie, 1869-1944, with Robert E. Johns, Log of a Sealer (Seattle: Robert E. Johns, 1986)
1986 HISCOCK = Philip Douglas Hiscock, 'Folklore and Popular Culture in Early Newfoundland Radio Broadcasting: An Analysis of Occupational Narrative, Oral History and Song Repertoire' (St John's: Memorial University M.A. Thesis, 1986)
1986 NARVÁEZ = Peter Narváez, 'The Protest Songs of a Labor Union on Strike against an American Corporation in a Newfoundland Company Town; A Folkloristic Analysis' [Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University], (University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1986)
1986 Nfld's Deepsea Fishery = The Social Impact of Technological Change in Newfoundland's Deepsea Fishery ([St John's:] Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1986)
1986 RYAN = Shannon Ryan, Fish Out of Water: The Newfoundland Saltfish Trade 1814-1914 (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1986)
1986 SAUNDERS = Gary L. Saunders, Rattles and Steadies: Memoirs of a Gander River Man (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1986)
1986 SIDER = Gerald M. Sider, Culture and class in anthropology and history: A Newfoundland illustration (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986)
1987 DAWE = Tom Dawe, Alley-Coosh, Bibby and Cark: A Second Newfoundland Folk Alphabet (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1987)
1987 FELT = Lawrence F. Felt, "Take the 'Bloods of Bitches' to the Gallows": Cultural and Structural Constraints upon Interpersonal Violence in Rural Newfoundland (St John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Research and Policy Papers, No. 6, 1987)
1987 FIZZARD = Garfield Fizzard, Unto the Sea: A History of Grand Bank (Grand Bank: Grand Bank Heritage Society, 1987)
1987 HORWOOD = Harold Horwood, Dancing On The Shore: A Celebration of Life at Annapolis Basin (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1987)
1987 JOHNSTON = Wayne Johnston, The Time of their Lives (Toronto: Oberon Press, 1987)
1987 KIMIECIK = Kathryn Mary Kimiecik, 'Aspects of Contemporary Courtship in a Rural Newfoundland Community' (St John's: Memorial University M.A. Thesis, 1987)
1987 KING (ed) = Modern Newfoundland Verse: Poems from The Newfoundland Quarterly 1971-1987, Selected and Edited by Everard H. King (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1987)
1987 MCDONALD = Ian D.H. McDonald, "To Each His Own": William Coaker and the Fishermen's Protective Union in Newfoundland Politics, 1908-1925, ed J.K. Hiller (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1987)
1987 MONTEVECCHI & TUCK = William A. Montevecchi and Leslie M. Tuck, Newfoundland Birds: Exploitation, Study, Conservation (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Nuttall Ornithological Club, No. 21, 1987)
1987 O'FLAHERTY = Patrick O'Flaherty, Summer of the Greater Yellowlegs (St John's: Breakwater, 1987)
1987 PEYTON = Amy Louise Peyton, River Lords: Father and Son (St John's: Jesperson Press, 1987)
1987 POOLE = George Poole, A Lifetime Listening to the Waves: Memoirs of a Labrador Fisherman (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1987)
1987 POWELL = Benjamin W. Powell, Sr., The Letter That Was Never Read: A History of the Labrador Fishery (St John's: Good Tidings Press, 1987)
[1987] QUINLAN = "Uncle" Allan Quinlan, Reflections of Birchy Bay [Birchy Bay: The author, 1987]
1987 RAPPORT = Nigel Rapport, Talking Violence: An Anthropological Interpretation of Conversation in the City (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1987)
1987 REEVES = William George Reeves, '"Our Yankee Cousins": Modernization and the Newfoundland-American Relationship, 1898-1910' (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maine at Orono, 1987)
1987 STEELE (ed) = Early Science in Newfoundland and Labrador, ed D.H. Steele (St John's: Avalon Chapter of Sigma Xi, 1987)
1987 STRONG = Cyril W. Strong, My Life as a Newfoundland Union Organizer: The Memoirs of Cyril W. Strong 1912-1987 (St John's: Committee on Canadian Labour History, Department of History, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1987)
1987 WILLIAMS = Alan F. Williams, Father Baudoin's War: D'Iberville's Campaigns in Acadia and Newfoundland 1696, 1697 (St John's: Department of Geography, Memorial University, 1987)
1988 DOHANEY = M.T. Dohaney, The Corrigan Women (Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1988)
1988 ELLIOTT = David Elliott, The Edge of Beulah (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1988)
1988 GALE = Donald Gale, Sooshewan; Child of the Beothuk (St John's: Breakwater Books Limited, 1988)
1988 GOSSE = Eric Martin Gosse, The Settling of Spaniard's Bay (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications Limited, 1988)
1988 HANRAHAN = Maura Hanrahan, Living on the Dead: Fishermen's Licensing and Unemployment Insurance Programs in Newfoundland (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1988)
1988 MOMATIUK & EASTCOTT (eds) = Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott (eds), This Marvellous Terrible Place: Images of Newfoundland and Labrador (Camden East, Ontario: Camden House, 1988)
1988 NADEL-KLEIN & DAVIS (eds) = Jane Nadel-Klein and Dona Lee Davis (eds), To Work and to Weep: Women in Fishing Economies (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1988)
1988 NEARY = Peter Neary, b 1938, Newfoundland in the North Atlantic World, 1929-1949 (Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988)
1988 PORTER = Helen [Fogwill] Porter, january, february, june or july: a novel (St John's: Breakwater Books Limited, 1988)
1988 RUSSELL (ed Miller) = A Fresh Breeze from Pigeon Inlet: The Best of Ted Russell, No. 3. ed Elizabeth Russell Miller (St John's: Harry Cuff Publications, 1988)
1988 SINCLAIR (ed) = Peter R. Sinclair (ed), A Question of Survival: The Fisheries and Newfoundland Society (St John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1988)
1988 TIERNEY = Pat Tierney, Ten Sheets to the Wind (St John's: Tinker Press, 1988)
1988 Women, Work and Family = Women, Work and Family in the British, Canadian and Norwegian Offshore Oilfields, ed Jane Lewis, Marilyn Porter, and Mark Shrimpton (New York: St Martin's Press, 1988)
1989 BENNETT = Margaret Bennett, The Last Stronghold: Scottish Gaelic Traditions in Newfoundland (St John's: Breakwater Books, 1989)
1989 CANDOW = James E. Candow, Of Men and Seals: A History of the Newfoundland Seal Hunt, Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History (Hull: Environment Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites, Canadian Parks Service, 1989)
1989 East Coast Marine Weather Manual (Ottawa: Minister of Environment, 1989)
1989 ROWE = William Rowe, The Temptation of Victor Galanti [a novel] (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1989)