Below are listed the abbreviations employed in the Dictionary, especially in the references found in the headnotes. For a key to the abbreviations used in quoting the sources for the Dictionary, see the BIBLIOGRAPHY.
a, adj adjective, adjectival
A.D. anno Domini
A-I Anglo-Irish
arch archaic
attrib attributive
Austr Australia
av adverb
b born
B.C. before Christ
Brit British
c. approximately; century
C item in MUNFLA Card Collection
Can Canadian
cent century
cm centimetre
Co Cornwall
CO Colonial Office [Series]
colloq colloquial
comb(s) combination(s)
comp compiler
Conn Connecticut
cp compare with the following term or reference
cpd compound
CS Colonial Series
cty, cties county, counties
d died
D Devon
det determiner
dial dialect(al)
Do Dorset
ed(s) editor(s), edited by; edition
ed emend editorial emendation
esp especially
etym etymology
exc except
exclam exclamation
ff and the following pages
fig. figurative
Fr French
freq frequent(ly)
ft feet
gen general
Gk Greek
Gl Gloucestershire
Gloss Glossary
Ha Hampshire
ibid the same source
imit imitative
imp imperative
in. inches
int interjection
intens intensifier
int pro interrogative pronoun
Ir Ireland, Irish
ISER Institute of Social and Economic Research
IW Isle of Wight
kg kilogramme
l litre
Lab(r) Labrador
Lat Latin
m metre
M item in MUNFLA Manuscript Collection
Mass Massachusetts
MS(S) manuscript(s)
m t metric ton
MUC Memorial University College
MUNFLA Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive
n noun; nominal; note
naut nautical usage
N B New Brunswick
n d no date
N E New England
neg negative
Nfld Newfoundland
N H New Hampshire
N I Northern Ireland
no northern
No number
N S Nova Scotia
num numeral
N Z New Zealand
obs obsolete
occas occasionally
Ork Orkney
p. page
P item submitted by a collector
PANL Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
phr phrase
pl plural
poet poetical
Por Portuguese
ppl present participle
ppl a participial adjective
p ppl past participle
pref prefix
prep preposition
pro personal pronoun
prob probably
prov proverb(ial)
Prov Provençal
Q item obtained from a questionnaire
qtl quintal 'a measure of fish'
quot quotation
rpt reprint
s southern
sb substantive
Sc Scotland
sg singular
Sh I Shetland Islands
Sh & Ork Shetland and Orkney
sig. signature
So Somerset
Span Spanish
SPCK Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge
SPG Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
spp species
STC Short-Title Catalogue
subs substitute
s w southwest [counties of England: Berkshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Somerset]
T item in MUNFLA Tape Collection
tr translator, translation, translated by
transf transferred sense
U S United States
usu usually
v verb
v superscript verso (of a page)
var various, variant
vbl n verbal noun
vol(s) volume(s)
w west
W Wiltshire
Wxf Wexford
* | a spelling not attested in printed sources; a spelling devised to suggest an approximate pronunciation: joog* |
( ) | an optional spelling or inflexional ending occurs: quar(r) |
= | 'the preceding term means': old king [= king eider] |
~ | 'the word being defined'; 'the word just mentioned': ochre, ~ pit |
~s | 'the plural of the form': sabot...~s |
[ ] | phonetic transcription; editorial correction or emendation; a relevant quotation which does not contain the word being illustrated; date of first appearance, writing, or, if a ballad, performance |
This dictionary includes some words which are or are asserted to be proprietary names or trademarks. Their inclusion does not imply that they have acquired for legal purposes a non-proprietary or general significance nor any other judgement concerning their legal status.