CONTEMPORARY COLLECTIONS AND COLLECTORS: Alphabetical Index of Collectors and Contributors
This is a name index to the classified sources listed above, excluding the Q ( = Questionnaire) lists, which are already arranged in alphabetical order. For the codes following the names, see the headnote on Collections above.
Acreman, J. P 277
Aldrich, F. P 1
Badcock, L. M 70--9
Barrett, R. P 10
Bartlett, D. P 13
Beck, H. P 14
Bennett, C. T 978--71
Bennett, E. T 245--66, 246--66, 251--66
Bennett, F. T 269--66, 282--66, 283--66, 284--66, 965--71, 966--71, 969--71, 1063--72, 1064--72
Bennett, J. T 251--66
Benoit, C. P 278
Best, A. P 279
Burt, Shirley. P 280
Burt, Stella P 281
Butler, D. P 282
Byrne, P. P 283
Byrne, T. T 70--64
Canning, W. M 69--5
Carew, H. P 30
Carpenter, R. P 284
Cassell, L. P 285
Chaulk, G. P 286
Childs, R. T 751--70
Coates, H. C 63--16
Cokes, E. M 69--6
Coley, J. T 541--67
Cooper, A. P 287
Courage, J. P 51
Crewe. N.C. P 54
Cunningham, E. P 288
Curran, D. C 66--4
Dawe, T. P 289
Decker, C. P 65
Dillon, V. P 68
Dobbin, J. C 71--93
Dollimount, J. M 68--3
Dwyer, G. C 71--95
Earle, W. T 171--65
Eaton, J.D. P 76
Farrell, S. P 290
Fagan, M. C 67--4
Ford, R. P 291
Fosnaes, N. P 292
Furey, M. P 293
Goldstein, K. P 294
Greenham, A. T 195--65
Griffin, C. P 295
Haines, B. P 106
Halley, J. P 108
Handcock, G. P 296
Harris, J. T 38--64
Harris, L. P 113
Hearn, E. P 297
Hewitt, C. C 71--18
Hewitt, E. P 298
Hicks, E. P 299
Hiscock, E. C 71--100
Hollett, E. P 300
Hollett, R. P 127
Hopkins, M. C 70--15
Howse, D. P 301
Hutchings, C. T 247--66
Hutchings, J. P 131
Hutchings, M. T 246--66
Hynes, F. T 166--65
James, J. M 78--54
Jeffers, G. P 133
Johnson, Z. M 68--11
Keeping, A. T 149--65
Kelly, C. T 11--63
Kent, M. T 498--68
Kinden, G. P 302
King, A. P 303
Kinsella, J. T 75--64
Kirwin, W.J. P 148
Knox, F. T 526--68
Langdon, O. M 68--13
Lockyer, L. T 735--70
Lodge, W. C 71--110
Lovelace, M. P 304
McCarthy, D. T 1175--72
McCarthy, T. C 69--19
McCormack, R. P 305
MacDonald, B. C 67--13
Macdonald, M. P 306
McLean, A. T 133--64
Macpherson, A. P 307
Mactavish, B. P 161
Manuel, R. P 308
Manuel, S. P 309
Martin, A. P 310
Molloy, M. T 236--66
Morgan, S. P 311
Murray, R. T 58--64
Oake, A. T 309--66, 1827--75
O'Brien, Aloysius P 191
O'Brien, Andrew F. M 68-16
O'Dwyer, B. P 312
O'Flaherty, P. P 197
Oldford, D. P 313
Oldford, M. P 314
Oxford, S. T 203--65
Palmer, V. Q 67--110
Park, R. M 68--17
Payne, A. T 266-66
Payne, D. T 1062--72
Penney, G. P 315
Piercey, L. P 316
Ralph, H. P 317
Reardon, A. T 543--68, 547--68
Rideout, R. P 222
Roberts, J. T 258--66, 1052--72
Rogers, G. Q 68--38
Russell, M. P 318
Ryan, S. P 231
Saunders, P. T 47--64, 48--64
Scammell, M. P 319
Seward, M. P 320
Sexton, S. P 321
Small, L. P 237
Smith, E. C 71--122
Smith, P. P 322
Snook, M. P 323
Snook, S. T 437--65, 438--65
Snow, A. P 324
Snow, G. P 325
Starkes, O. T 409--67
Stewart, W. T 147--65
Story, G.M. P 245
Stroud, H. M 68--23
Stuckless, L. P 326
Sullivan, K. M 70--27
Warren, E. T 449--67
Wells, J. T 1--63
Whalen, J. P 327
Whitten, D. P 328
Widdowson, J.D.A. P 266
Wilkshire, M. P 329
Williams, C. M 64--3
Winsor, J. P 330
Woods, F. T 2414--74
Yetman, K. P 331