Matching Articles"21th Century" (Total 91)

  • Ron Hynes is the composer behind what is perhaps the most widely known Newfoundland song, Sonny's Dream.
  • About The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, including collections, education, and outreach.
  • Biography of artist Scott Fillier
  • Biography of painter Scott Goudie
  • Biography of artist Sharon Puddester
  • Biography of artist Shawn Ohagan
  • The Stephenville Theatre Festival was created by Maxim Mazumdar and opened in 1979
  • Biography about the writer and poet, Susan Ingersoll
  • Biography of artist Sylvia Bendzsa
  • Newfoundland television stations have produced and presented thousands of hours of local music, comedy, drama and documentary.
  • Biography of painter Tish Holland
  • The labour force of Newfoundland and Labrador is now more highly diversified than is usually realized.
  • Forest industries contribute much to the Newfoundland and Labrador economy.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore oil industry has made significant contributions to the provincial economy in recent decades.
  • Les artefacts inclus dans cette catégorie ont été fabriqués avec des matériaux d'origine animale ou végétale. Les protéines et la cellulose sont les composantes de base des objets fabriqués avec des matières organiques : cuir, bois, ossements, ivoire, ramures, laine, soie et coton, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns.
  • Slope-stability or mass-movement problems occur where either sediment and/or rock and/or snow move downslope in response to gravity.
  • Alwyn Ruddock was a leading English scholar of 15th century exploration who spent four decades researching documents relating to John Cabot.
  • Inorganic artifacts are those made from the earth's crust. These objects characteristically will not burn if ignited, are insensitive to light and humidity, are crystalline or glassy in structure, are brittle, and range from being porous to dense, and from soft to hard.
  • A look at Ferryland's onsite conservation lab and the steps followed in order to properly conserve artifacts.
  • Artifacts in this category are those made from animals or plants. Proteins and cellulose are the fundamental building blocks of organic objects, which include artifacts made from leather, wood, bone, ivory, antler, wool, silk, cotton, to mention a few.