Matching Articles"19th Century" (Total 427)

  • Settled in the 1820s, Flat Islands (a collective name for a cluster of four flat-topped island settlements) grew very rapidly
  • About Fogo United Church, a Registered Heritage Structure built in the 1800s. Most of the church burned in 1875 however it was rebuilt within two years.
  • A brief history of Forest House, a Registered Heritage Structure located on Forest Road in St. John's and built between 1890 and 1894.
  • About the Fowler house, a Registered Heritage Structure built in 1850 for a master mariner named Garland.
  • A brief history of Gover House, a Registered Heritage Structure located in Trinity and built in the nineteenth century.
  • About the Captain Blackwood Fishing Stage, a Registered Heritage Structure in Trinity constructed around 1830.
  • A brief history of the Green Family Forge, a Registered Heritage Structure located in Trinity and rebuilt between 1890 and 1900.
  • The Grenfell Mission provided some of the earliest permanent medical services in Labrador and northern Newfoundland.
  • A brief history of Hampshire Cottage, Harbour Grace, NL, a Registered Heritage Structure, possibly built in 1826.
  • About Harding House, a Registered Heritage Structure built in Greenspond in the 1890s.
  • Medicine in Newfoundland and Labrador has steadily evolved throughout the centuries, often as a result of political and social change.
  • A brief article on the Heber John Abbott house, in Bonavista, a Registered Heritage Structure.
  • A brief history of Hezikiah House, a Registered Heritage Structure located at Woody Point in Bonne Bay and possibly built around 1858.
  • A brief history of the Holy Apostles Roman Catholic Church, Renews, NL, a Registered Heritage Structure built in the 1870s.
  • A brief history and description of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Ferryland, NL, a Registered Heritage Structure built in 1863.
  • An article on Horwood House, a Registered Heritage Structure located at 718 Water Street in St. John's, NL and built toward the end of the 19th century.
  • A description of Howard house, a Registered Heritage Structure located on 7 Garrison Hill in St. John's and built in the years following the Great Fire of 1892.
  • An article on the Hudson's Bay Company Net Loft, a Registered Heritage Structure built in 1876 in Rigolet, NL.
  • About the Hulan House, a Registered Heritage Structure located in the community of Jeffrey's, NL, designed and built in 1865-1866.
  • Information about Newfoundland and Labrador Newspapers from 1806-1879.

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