Matching Articles"20th Century" (Total 720)

  • Slope-stability or mass-movement problems occur where either sediment and/or rock and/or snow move downslope in response to gravity.
  • The Commercial whaling industry in Newfoundland and Labrador during the 20th century
  • 20th Century Exploration--Exploration--Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web
  • Biography of the explorer, Captain Robert (Bob) Bartlett, who skippered some of the most famous and controversial expeditions to the Arctic.
  • Extracts from Sir Robert Bond's Speech 22 April, 1904 from the <em>Evening Telegram</em>.
  • Alwyn Ruddock was a leading English scholar of 15th century exploration who spent four decades researching documents relating to John Cabot.
  • The story of the schooner Effie M. Morrissey, which for nearly 20 years took Capt. Bob Bartlett and teams of scientists to the Arctic.
  • On April 8, 1904, four agreements were concluded in London, which established the Anglo-French Entente, or <em>entente cordiale</em>.
  • Much of our knowledge of daily life in outport Newfoundland in the late 18th and early 19th century comes from the pens of visitors. They were typically missionaries, explorers, naturalists, and geologists whose work brought them to outlying communities not often visited by outsiders or even the local government.
  • A look at the ways in which the Conservation Laboratory in Ferryland catalogues its artifacts
  • A history of the archaeological dig at the Colony of Avalon in Ferryland, NL
  • An overview of the archaeological digs undertaken at Ferryland, NL
  • A list of some Ferryland residents from 1597 to the 19th century whose surnames begin with the letters E-H.
  • During the 1980s, a dispute developed between Canada and France over the definition of the maritime boundary between their respective territories in the region.
  • The story of the tragic 1903 Hubbard Expedition into the Labrador interior, and an overview of the career of Dillon Wallace.
  • The nature of Newfoundland and Labrador's economy limited direct interaction between Indigenous groups and Europeans for much of the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • In 1913, the Karluk departed Canada for the western Arctic. The ship sank amid unpredictable Arctic flows, leaving the crew stranded on the ice.
  • The Matthew was the ship in which John Cabot sailed from Bristol to North America in 1497.
  • Between 1898 and 1909, Newfoundland and Labrador ice captain Bob Bartlett and American explorer Robert Peary made three separate attempts to reach the North Pole.
  • The fishery remained the mainstay of the St. Pierre and Miquelon economy during the 19th century.

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