Matching Articles"20th Century" (Total 221)

  • A look at the Royal Air Force, and the 125 Newfoundland Squadron, one of the branches of the British Armed Forces that recruited Newfoundlanders during World War II.
  • A look at Britain's Royal Artillery (RA), one of the branches of the British Armed Forces that recruited Newfoundlanders during World War II.
  • A look at the Royal Navy, one of the branches of the British Armed Forces that recruited Newfoundlanders during World War II.
  • A look at the 1914 Sealing Disaster, when 251 sealers died in two simultaneous disasters involving the SS Newfoundland and the SS Southern Cross.
  • How the 1914 sealing disaster impacted the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, and the government's response to the tragedy.
  • About World War II and how it impacted Newfoundland and Labrador life.
  • A timeline of the significant dates in the Confederation Process.
  • The third of a four part series on the life and times of Sir Robert Bond, one of the most influential politicians in Newfoundland history.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador society changed considerably during the last three decades of the 20th century.
  • One of the Commission of Government's major goals while in office was to improve social services in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Confederation prompted immediate and massive social changes in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • The Spider and The Guy or The Newfie Ain't so Goofie-- An anti-confederate poem published in The Independent on April 26, 1948.
  • In 1987, the provincial government partnered with Philip Sprung to build a multimillion-dollar greenhouse complex near the St. John's-Mount Pearl boundary.
  • Overview of the St. John's Status of Women Council, the Women's Centre.
  • The story of Stella Maris (Meaney) Whelan (1910-1998), civil servant and witness to the important events surrounding Confederation.
  • The creation of the American air base at Stephenville during the WWII saw the quiet farming village quickly transformed into a booming garrison town.
  • An explanation of how the CNS obtained the 1938 Denzil Ridout photo-record of Lester Burry's mission work in Labrador.
  • Since Newfoundland joined Canada on 31 March 1949, its relationship with the rest of the country has been governed by the Terms of Union.
  • A timeline of the significant dates in the Confederation Process.
  • Brian Tobin replaced Clyde Wells as premier and leader of the Newfoundland Liberals on 26 January, 1996.

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