Matching Articles"20th Century" (Total 682)

  • Newspaper extract from an article dated May 13, 1948 in The Independent promoting the self government of Newfoundland.
  • A newspaper article extract from The Independent, dated March 29, 1948 promoting Responsible Government.
  • The 1982 Ocean Ranger disaster exposed serious weaknesses in the way that government and industry regulated Canada's offshore industry.
  • Although most enlistees from Newfoundland and Labrador joined the British Armed Forces during the WWII, many also served with other Allied forces.
  • America's military presence in Newfoundland during WWII extended beyond bases in St. John's, Stephenville and Argentia to include smaller stations across the island.
  • This article is about the U-boats encountered in Atlantic waters near Newfoundland and Labrador during WWII.
  • The Ottawa Delegation started on June 24, 1947. It was all about the idea of Newfoundland and Labrador joining Canadian Confederation.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador sent some 3,600 loggers overseas during the Second World War. These volunteers formed the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit (NOFU)
  • The pursuit of resource management dominated Peckford's time in office. Offshore oil, the fisheries, and hydroelectric developments topped the agenda.
  • About the American military base, Fort Pepperrell, located in St. John's during World War II.
  • This article is about the Newfoundland Railway and the politics of it's development from 1897-1914.
  • An introduction to the documents relating to the Privy Council's decision determining the location of a common boundary between NL and Quebec
  • A history of proprietary governors in Newfoundland which began in 1610, with the appointment of its first governor, John Guy and ended in 1728 with the appointment of the first naval governor.
  • This article is about the Provincial Government in Newfoundland and Labrador during the beginning of confederation and the Smallwood years (1949-1972)
  • This article is about the Provincial government during the period of 1972-2001 and the change of leadership it underwent during that time.
  • A sketch of the life of William Charles Hodgins (1903-1982), chaplain to Newfoundland soldiers in WW II.
  • About the 1948 referendums in Newfoundland and Labrador and the results of the vote.
  • This article talks about Newfoundland's relations with Canada from 1895-1939.
  • Fifty years after the first centralization programme began, and over thirty years after it ended, resettlement still generates controversy.
  • An explanation of the program undertaken by the Newfoundland Government in the 1960s and early 1970s to move families from outlying communities to more central locations.

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