Matching Articles"Exploration" (Total 6)

  • Click on TABLE OF CONTENTS above to access a list of all Exploration and Settlement articles.

  • Deposition of Amy Taylor, taken at Ferryland on August 24, 1652, dealing with planters, government, fortifications, cod, fisheries, stages, boats, and taxes.
  • Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. Kirke, given by Amy Taylor on August 29, 1652, and dealing with planters and government.
  • Deposition of Anne Love, taken at Ferryland on August 24, 1652, dealing with planters, government, fortifications, cod, stages, and boats.
  • Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. Kirke, given by Anne Love on August 31, 1652, and dealing with planters and government.
  • Deposition of Anthony Gay, taken on October 16, 1707, dealing with the Pool
  • The Memorial of Archibald Cumings in relation to the fortifying of Ferryland, dated February 1, 1710.

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