Matching Articles"20th Century" (Total 607)

  • Avalanches involve the rapid downslope movement of snow or ice, with or without sediment and rock.
  • The Battery lies under the slopes of Signal Hill in St. John's. Evidence indicates that rockfall is frequent in this area...
  • The following examples illustrate the use of long-term climate data for siting, design, and operational planning in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Estimating the cost of geological hazards is extremely difficult.
  • Dimension stone includes any natural stone that has been quarried and cut or shaped to specified sizes.
  • A drainage basin, or catchment as it is also called, is the part of the land surface that is drained by a single river system.
  • Impacts of climate extremes such as prolonged ice accretion, abnormally cool, wet summers or snow deficient winters, heavy rainfall, etc.
  • The mineral industry of Newfoundland and Labrador is critical to the economic health of the province.
  • Although the sealing industry was in decline at the turn of the century, Newfoundland companies continued to fit out steamers for the hunt.
  • Slope-stability or mass-movement problems occur where either sediment and/or rock and/or snow move downslope in response to gravity.
  • The Commercial whaling industry in Newfoundland and Labrador during the 20th century
  • 20th Century Exploration--Exploration--Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web
  • Biography of the explorer, Captain Robert (Bob) Bartlett, who skippered some of the most famous and controversial expeditions to the Arctic.
  • Alwyn Ruddock was a leading English scholar of 15th century exploration who spent four decades researching documents relating to John Cabot.
  • The story of the schooner Effie M. Morrissey, which for nearly 20 years took Capt. Bob Bartlett and teams of scientists to the Arctic.
  • On April 8, 1904, four agreements were concluded in London, which established the Anglo-French Entente, or <em>entente cordiale</em>.
  • Much of our knowledge of daily life in outport Newfoundland in the late 18th and early 19th century comes from the pens of visitors. They were typically missionaries, explorers, naturalists, and geologists whose work brought them to outlying communities not often visited by outsiders or even the local government.
  • A look at the ways in which the Conservation Laboratory in Ferryland catalogues its artifacts
  • A history of the archaeological dig at the Colony of Avalon in Ferryland, NL
  • An overview of the archaeological digs undertaken at Ferryland, NL

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