Southwestern Newfoundland
This ecoregion covers the west coast of Newfoundland, south of the Northern Peninsula and west of the barrens of the southern Long Range Mountains and the Buchans Plateau. It is characterized by cool summers and snowy, cold winters. The mean annual temperature is around 4°C, with a mean summer temperature of 12°C and a mean winter temperature of -3.5°C. The mean annual precipitation ranges from 1000 mm to 1200 mm.
Vegetation, Wildlife and Human Activity
Balsam fir is the dominant type of tree species. Black spruce, tamarack, and shrubs grow in poorly drained sites. Elevations range from sea level to just over 800 m asl in the Lewis Hills, the highest point north of Stephenville. A lowland runs from St. George's Bay to Grand Lake. The Long Range Mountains provide protection from northeasterly winds, resulting in the best growing conditions on the island. Typical wildlife includes black bear, moose, caribou, red fox, marten, and lynx. Forestry, pulp and paper, farming, and fishing are the most common land-use activities. The major communities include Stephenville and Corner Brook.