Winokapau Lake North

This ecoregion extends northeast from Winokapau Lake and borders the western extensions of the Lake Melville ecoregion. It is defined by cool summers and very cold winters. The mean annual temperature is around -2.5°C, with a mean summer temperature of 9.5°C and a mean winter temperature of -15.5°C. The mean annual precipitation ranges 700 mm to 900 mm.


Its forests grade into tundra and alpine tundra vegetative communities to the north, and into the typical coniferous boreal forests to the south. Black spruce is the climax species, while trembling aspen reaches its northern limit in this ecoregion. Lichen in association with black/white spruce woodlands are dominant. Balsam fir is found at only rare sites.

Topography, Wildlife and Human Activity

The topography can be described as a rolling plain of exposed bedrock with many lakes. Some hills stand above the surrounding landscape reaching over 650 m asl. Bare bedrock outcroppings are common. Permafrost is located in some areas, mainly in wetlands. This ecoregion supports animals such as caribou, small mammals, waterfowl, and other birds. Land use activities include fishing, hunting and trapping, and outdoor recreation.

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