Matching Articles"Exploration" (Total 180)

  • Click on TABLE OF CONTENTS above to access a list of all Exploration and Settlement articles.

  • The prosperity and collapse of the migratory fishery from the American Revolution to the French Revolution.
  • Biography of the explorer, Captain Robert (Bob) Bartlett, who skippered some of the most famous and controversial expeditions to the Arctic.
  • The articles that follow is an attempt to identify the owners of 19 bottle-seal fragments from English glass wine bottles and to provide some insight into the practice of bottle-sealing.
  • Page 1 showing nine bottle-seal fragments from 17th and 18th century English glass wine bottles unearthed at the Colony of Avalon.
  • Page 2 showing eight bottle-seal fragments from 18th century English glass wine bottles unearthed at the Colony of Avalon.
  • References for 17th and 18th century bottle seals excavated at Ferryland, NL.
  • Although the re-discovery of Newfoundland is credited to John Cabot, we know that as early as the 1480s, English ships were venturing into the unknown Atlantic Ocean.
  • The history and origins of Bristol to 1497 and why it was an influential port even when England was still only a minor European power.
  • An account of Bristol's transatlantic explorations prior to 1497.
  • There are many conflicting theories and opinions about John Cabot's voyage of 1497 due to the lack of contemporary information collected.
  • Information on John Cabot's Voyage of 1498, and speculation on his death.
  • John Cabot's arrival in Bristol and his request to King Henry VII to map out a northern route to Asia.
  • Alwyn Ruddock was a leading English scholar of 15th century exploration who spent four decades researching documents relating to John Cabot.
  • Information about Sir George Calvert and the establishment of the Colony of Avalon at Ferryland.
  • The principal residence of Avalon, where Calvert and his family lived during the winter of 1628-29 and in which the Kirkes established their residence in 1638, has long been the object of archaeologists working at Ferryland.
  • If modern scholars generally favour a northern landfall for Cabot's 1497 voyage, there has been strong support for a landfall on Cape Breton Island.
  • Early Cartography of Newfoundland and Labrador--Exploration--Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web
  • Of the approximate one million artifacts excavated to date from the Ferryland archaeology site, at least a third of those are represented by ceramic sherds.
  • Each artifact or sample removed from the burial matrix of an excavation unit is described briefly on a field tag. Exact location, depth below surface, date of excavation and excavator's name are recorded on the tag.
  • An article on the restoration of ceramic artifacts at the Colony of Avalon in Ferryland, NL