Matching Articles"Government" (Total 272)

  • The 1985 Atlantic Accord promised to make Newfoundland and Labrador the principal beneficiary of the offshore oil industry
  • The Ottawa Delegation started on June 24, 1947. It was all about the idea of Newfoundland and Labrador joining Canadian Confederation.
  • The pursuit of resource management dominated Peckford's time in office. Offshore oil, the fisheries, and hydroelectric developments topped the agenda.
  • An article about the state of the House of Assembly in 1893 and 1894. Originally published in the Gazette on February 6, 1997.
  • The life of Sir William Whiteway (1828-1908), lawyer, politician, and prime minster of Newfoundland.
  • Biography of Sir Arthur Aston, Proprietary governor of the Province of Avalon, c.1625-1627.
  • Biography of Sir David Kirke, Proprietary governor of Newfoundland, 1638-1651.
  • Biography of Edward Wynne, Proprietary governor of Avalon Colony, 1621-1625.
  • Biography of Francis Tanfield, Proprietary governor of the South Falkland colony, 1623-1625/1626.
  • Biography of Sir George Calvert (Lord Baltimore), Proprietary governor of the Province of Avalon,1627-1629.
  • A history of proprietary governors in Newfoundland which began in 1610, with the appointment of its first governor, John Guy and ended in 1728 with the appointment of the first naval governor.
  • Biography of John Guy, Proprietary governor of Cuper's Cove, 1610-1614.
  • Biography of John Mason, Proprietary governor of Cuper's Cove, 1615-1621.
  • Biography of John Treworgie, Proprietary governor of Newfoundland, 1653-1660.
  • Biography of Sir Richard Whitbourne, Proprietary governor of Renews, 1618-1620.
  • Biography of Hayman Robert, Proprietary governor of Bristol's Hope, 1618-1628.
  • Biography of William Hill, Proprietary governor of the Province of Avalon, 1634-1638.
  • This article is about the Provincial Government in Newfoundland and Labrador during the beginning of confederation and the Smallwood years (1949-1972)
  • This article is about the Provincial government during the period of 1972-2001 and the change of leadership it underwent during that time.
  • The Quebec Conference was held in 1864 and dealt with the creation of a federal system of government within Canada.