Matching Articles"Ecozone" (Total 8)

  • Within Labrador, this ecozone occupies the northernmost section.
  • The largest ecozone, the Boreal Shield, extends in a broad, U-shape from northern Saskatchewan to Newfoundland.
  • The Eagle Plateau ecoregion comprises the Mealy Mountains and an area south of Lake Melville in southern Labrador.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador can be divided into three ecozones: Artic Cordillera, Tiaga Shield, and Boreal Shield.
  • This ecoregion covers an area west of Lake Melville in southern Labrador.
  • The Kingurutik/Fraser Rivers ecoregion takes in several other mountainous outcrops, including the Mealy Mountains, south of Lake Melville.
  • The Maritime Barrens ecoregion extends westward across the southern half of the uplands of Newfoundland to the Long Range Mountains.
  • The Taiga Shield Ecozone is located on both sides of Hudson Bay, with the eastern portion running into Labrador.

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