Bibliography for Society and Culture

Chappell, E. Voyage of His Majesty's ship "Rosamond" to Newfoundland and the southern coast of Labrador. London: J. Mawman, 1818.

Handcock, W. Gordon. Soe long as there comes noe women: Origins of English Settlement in Newfoundland. Newfoundland History Series, No. 6. St. John's: Breakwater, 1989.

Mannion, John J. ed. The Peopling of Newfoundland: Essays in Historical Geography. Social and Economic Papers No. 8, Institute of Social and Economic Research. St. John's: ISER, 1977.

Wilson, W. Newfoundland and its Missionaries. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Dakin & Metcalf, 1866.

Writers' Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador. Multicultural History. Newfoundland and Labrador Adult Basic Education and Social History Series, No. 6. St. John's: Robinson Blackmore, 1996.