Adam Mouland Property (Bonavista)

Adam Mouland Property, Bonavista, NL
Adam Mouland Property, Bonavista, NL
Adam Mouland Property is a good example of the way in which outport builders in Bonavista interpreted the gable-roofed house style.
© 1998 Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador

Adam Mouland's house was built in 1913 in Mockbeggar, the oldest district of Bonavista. The house is a two-and-a-half-storeyed, steep, gabled-roof structure with an attached roof ladder. It is a fine example of nineteenth and early twentieth-century architecture in the Bonavista area. The raincaps over the windows and doors are characteristic of the Bonavista architects' attention to detail.

The Heritage Foundation designated the Adam Mouland House a Registered Heritage Structure in April 1995.

Registered Heritage Structures Table of Contents

Also view the Adam Mouland Property Registered Heritage Structure, and the Adam Mouland Property Municipal Heritage Site on the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador web site. The Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site has on its site only a portion of the registered heritage structures in Newfoundland and Labrador. To view a complete list or search for a particular structure visit the Heritage Foundation's Property Search page.