Select Bibliography: Social Changes

Gwyn, Richard. Smallwood: The Unlikely Revolutionary. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1972. Print.

Matthews, Ralph. "The Smallwood Legacy: The Development of Underdevelopment in Newfoundland 1949-1972." Journal of Canadian Studies 13.4 (1978-79): 89-108. Print.

McAllister, R.I. Newfoundland and Labrador: The First Fifteen Years of Confederation. St. John's: Dicks and Co. Ltd. Print.

Neary, Peter, ed. The Political Economy of Newfoundland, 1929-1972. Vancouver: Copp Clark Publishing, 1973. Print.

Sterns, Maurice A., ed. Perspectives on Newfoundland Society and Culture. St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1974. Print.