Maps of Newfoundland and Labrador

To find a location in Newfoundland and Labrador we suggest you use Google maps. To help Google find a location add NL after the name. For example, when looking for the community of Branch search for Branch NL.

Map of the Island of Newfoundland
Map of the Island of Newfoundland
Illustration by Duleepa Wijayawardhana. ©1999, Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site.

Map of the Bonavista and Avalon Peninsulas
Map of the Bonavista and Avalon Peninsulas
Illustration by Duleepa Wijayawardhana. ©1999, Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site.

Map of Labrador
Map of Labrador
Illustration by Duleepa Wijayawardhana. ©1999, Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site.