Ferryland names M-P

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | Y | Z

Maden, William

Master of the Crowne of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1701;

Magne, Larey

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Mahar, Michael

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Maine, Hugh

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Maine, John

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Maine, Nicholas

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Maine, Richard

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Mannion, Matthew

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Marchant, Daniel

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Marcom, Johnson

Master of the Loyalty of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1675;

Marke, John

one of a number of merchants of Bideford who petitioned the Board of Trade on January 21, 1706 to have fortifications built at Ferryland;

Marshall, John

Master of the Richard and Sarah of Barnstaple fishing at Ferryland in 1676;

Martin, John

fined £3.3 for his participation in the religious riot of 1788;

Martin, Richard

Master of a ship of Weymouth; gave Wynne "a couple of yong Pullets, kind entertainement, and many good turnes" in 1621;

Martin, Richard

Master of the sack ship Golden Fleece of Bideford trading Ferryland at in 1676; Master of the Victory (14 guns) of Bideford fishing(?) and buying train oil at Ferryland or Aquefort in 1699;

Martin, Richard

one of several merchants of Bideford and Barnstaple and commanders of ships resorting to Ferryland who petitioned the Board of Trade in 1707 for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Mason, William

servant of George Calvert I at the time of his death in 1632; may have been at Ferryland with Calverts in 1628/29;

Mathews, George

Master of the sack ship Priscilla of Plymouth trading at Ferryland in 1676;

Maugher, Abraham

Master of the Pearle fishing at Ferryland in 1698;

Maugher, Thomas

Master of the Industry of Plymouth fishing at Ferryland or Aquefort in 1699; Master of the Industry of Plymouth fishing at Ferryland in 1700;

Maverick, John

master of the Lady of Ferryland in the mid-1640s;

Mayne, Richard

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

McCarthy, Dennis

fined £2 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

McCarthy, Michael

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

McDaniel, John

fined £6.6 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

McDaniel, William

fined £20 for his part in the religious riot of 1788; fine later reduced to £10;

McGrath, Patrick

fined £2 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

McNamahan, Thomas

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Meddin, William

one of a number of merchants of Bideford who petitioned the Board of Trade on January 21, 1706 to have fortifications built at Ferryland; one of several merchants of Bideford and Barnstaple and commanders of ships resorting to Ferryland who petitioned the Board of Trade in 1707 for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Meddon - see Meddin

Mintor, Ezor.

"Tenant of Avalon" who on August 30, 1663, enacted regulations for householders and fishermen at Ferryland "in the name of the Right Honourable Cecil, Lord Baltimore, absolute Lord and Proprietor of the Province of Maryland and Avalon";

Mitchell, Captain John

Captain of the HMS Warwick who conducted census in 1708;

Moone, Arthur

"Tenant of Avalon" who on August 30, 1663, enacted regulations for householders and fishermen at Ferryland "in the name of the Right Honourable Cecil, Lord Baltimore, absolute Lord and Proprietor of the Province of Maryland and Avalon";

Moran, John

fined £6 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Morley, Ralph

arrived at Ferryland 1629; reported to have "carryed away" a Mr. Hoyle, the governor left by Calvert in 1629;

Morris, Symon

one of several merchants of Bideford and Barnstaple and commanders of ships resorting to Ferryland who petitioned the Board of Trade in 1707 for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Morrisey, John

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Morrisey, William

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Morry, George (died August 18, 1846)

native of Dartmouth, England and long-time resident of Ferryland;

Morry, William Jr.

Robert Carter III's diary entry for Friday, August 1, 1835 reads, "Wm. Morry Jr. returned a day or two since from a voyage to China during which he says he was not out of the ship from leaving London to his return to it again. What a want of curiosity! He lay 3 days at St. Helena and could have gone on shore if he chose"

Murphy, Edmond

according to the testimony of Thomas Phoran (1850), Murphy may have lived at the Pool (in the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century?), but Phoran was unable to speak positively from his own knowledge;

Murphy, James

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Murphy, John

fined £3.3 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Murphy, Nicholas

fined £20 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Murphy, Thomas

identified as "Salter"; fined £5 for his part in the 1788 religious riot;

Murphy, Thomas

identified as "Kitpaw"; fined all his wages (amounting to £14?) and transported home for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Murphy, William

murdered William Quinn at Ferryland July 6, 1752 while working on Maurice Hagathee's fish; Quinn complained that Murphy was not cleaning the fish properly and proceeded to hit Murphy with a fish; Murphy responded likewise and Quinn then hit him with a mop before going to report the matter to Hagathee; Murphy lay in wait for Quinn and hit him with a longer (a fence rail) and killed him. Murphy was sentenced to death, but later pardoned and deported;

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Nailes, John

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;


child of John Benger's slave Serah freed in Benger's will dated June 10, 1791 at Ferryland;

Neale, Robert

Master of the Olive Branch of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1676;

Neil, James

fined £2 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Neil, William

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Nelms, Mr. ...

chaplain to the Argyle, man of war, who held services at The Doctors, a public house at Ferryland, in the summer of 1726; made about 42 guineas (£40) in five or six weeks;

Neville, Nicholas

reported by Dudley Lovelace as having lost 30 boats burned by the Dutch in September 1673; resident of Dartmouth at the time;

Nickles, Phillip

boat's master who sailed with Robert Holmes of Salem, Mass. to fish at Ferryland in 1708;

Niles, Richard

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Niles, Thomas

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697; one of several merchants of Bideford and Barnstaple and commanders of ships resorting to Ferryland who petitioned the Board of Trade in 1707 for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Norris, Commodore John

took census of 1698;

Norris, Thomas

proprietor of a licensed house retailing liquor at Ferryland in 1797;

Northcott, Samuel

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

Notheway, Thomas

at Ferryland in 1707 when he signed a statement that Philip Kirke was the rightful owner of the Pool Plantation;

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Oliver, John

"Tenant of Avalon" who on August 30, 1663, enacted regulations for householders and fishermen at Ferryland "in the name of the Right Honourable Cecil, Lord Baltimore, absolute Lord and Proprietor of the Province of Maryland and Avalon";

Orchard, John

Master of the Friends Agreement of Bristol fishing at Ferryland in 1675;

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Palmer, Andrew

resident of Ferryland in 1708 with wife, two children, ten servants, two boats and one train vat; resident of Ferryland living on Buoys Island who wrote Governor Dudley of Massachusetts in May, 1709, thanking him for relief received from the Hope, commanded by Captain William Pickering; these people had probably taken refuge on Buoys Island as a result of the French threat;

Parker, John

one of several residents of Ferryland in 1707 who petitioned the Board of Trade for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Parker, Ralph

at Ferryland in 1659 where he greeted Rev. Richard Blinman on the latter's arrival on August 20;

Parkman, Verne

midshipman on two-man boat operated at Ferryland in 1708 by Robert Holmes of Salem, Mass.;

Parrys, Martyn

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

Parscer, Ioseph

at Ferryland winter of 1622/23;

Parsons, Anthony

resident of Ferryland in 1708 with wife, three children, five servants, one boat and one train vat;

Parsons, Joseph

Master of the sack ship Henry of Topsham trading at Ferryland in 1676;

Pasco, John

at Ferryland in summer of 1693 when he bought salt from Joseph Buckley (of Salem?);

Pass, Thomas

resident of Ferryland living on Buoys Island who wrote Governor Dudley of Massachusetts in May, 1709, thanking him for relief received from the Hope, commanded by Captain William Pickering; these people had probably taken refuge on Buoys Island as a result of the French threat;

Passmer, Captain Richard

at Ferryland in 1726 when he sold 300 quintals of bank fish to Edward Burd;

Passmore, Abraham

Master of the Elizabeth and Mary of Topsham fishing at Ferryland in 1708;

Payse, John

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

Pearce, Captain

sent to Ferryland with Capt. Raynor as co-governor and representative of Baltimore in 1660, after Baltimore's right to Ferryland had been renewed;

Peard, Justinian

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

Pearse, John

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

Peasley, Master Willyam

with Calvert at Ferryland winter of 1628/29; married Calvert's daughter Anne (at Ferryland?); petitioned Lords Commissioners for the Office of Lord Admirall (1628?) on behalf of Lord Baltimore, for a ship for defense of the fishery;

Peirce, William

Master of the George of Bristol fishing at Ferryland in 1675;

Pellew, Edward, Esq.

Surrogate Justice at Ferryland in 1788; tried and fined pariticpants in religious riot of that year;

Pemberton, Jos.

one of several merchants of Bideford and Barnstaple and commanders of ships resorting to Ferryland who petitioned the Board of Trade in 1707 for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Penpraise, Alexander

resident of Ferryland in 1707 when he attested that the Pool Plantation was the rightful property of Phillip Kirke; resident of Ferryland living on Buoys Island who wrote Governor Dudley of Massachusetts in May, 1709, thanking him for relief received from the Hope, commanded by Captain William Pickering; these people had probably taken refuge on Buoys Island as a result of the French threat;

Penpraise, William

resident at Ferryland in 1708 with wife, two children, four servants, one boat and one train vat; resident of Ferryland living on Buoys Island who wrote Governor Dudley of Massachusetts in May, 1709, thanking him for relief received from the Hope, commanded by Captain William Pickering; these people had probably taken refuge on Buoys Island as a result of the French threat;

Penprayse - see Penpraise

Perrin, Henry

Master of the Experiment of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1700;

Peters, Abraham

Master of the Newfoundland of Plymouth fishing at Ferryland in 1698; left 35 men, one woman and one child at Ferryland in that year; Master of the Newfoundland of Plymouth fishing at Ferryland or Aquefort in 1699; Master of the James and Thomas of Plymouth fishing at Ferryland in 1700;

Petters - see Peters

Phillips, Thomas

Master of the Elizabeth of Barnstaple fishing at Ferryland or Aquefort in 1699;

Phillips, William

Master of the Fidelity of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1699;

Phoran, Thomas

native of Ferryland, born in late eighteenth century; moved to Cape Breton when in his teens; testified in the Nunan vs. Carter land dispute in 1850;

Pickering, Benjamin

master on a two-man boat operated at Ferryland in 1708 by Robert Holmes of Salem, Mass.;

Pickering, Captain William

Master of the Hope who provided relief to the residents of Ferryland early in the eighteenth century (1708/09?); residents of Bouys island wrote Governor Dudley of Massachusetts in May, 1709, thanking him for Pickering's assistance;

Piersons, Anthony

resident of Ferryland living on Buoys Island who wrote Governor Dudley of Massachusetts in May, 1709, thanking him for relief received from the Hope, commanded by Captain William Pickering; these people had probably taken refuge on Buoys Island as a result of the French threat;

Piggeon, Ellias

owner of Piggeon's Plantation near the Pool; bounded by Benger's Plantation on the southeast and Thomas Smith's on the northwest; he and Elizabeth Gobbett were granted a patent in 1750 to replace an earlier lost patent;

Pitt, Captain Robert

returned to Ferryland in 1833 "after four years absence on discovery towards the North Pole -- made great discoveries for science and suffered accordingly. Was quite given up for being lost. The stores saved from the wreck of the Hecla and Fury saved them. He abandoned his own ship as hopeless in Victory Bay, very far to N & W of former discoveries," from the diary of Robert Carter for December 31, 1833; this must have been the voyage of Arctic explorer John Ross, although there appears to be no mention of Pitt in Ross's Journal;

Pitt, Robert

native of Devonshire and blacksmith at Ferryland beginning in 1802; died on January 17, 1843 at about 70 years of age;

Pitts, James

Master of the Essex Galley of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1701;

Poe, John

Master of the sack ship Mayflower of Bideford trading Ferryland at in 1676;

Polard, Thomas

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Pole, Anthony (aka Anthony Smith)

educated at St. Omer's college and at the English College in Valladolid; joined Jesuits in 1613; returned to England in early 1620s when he seems to have left the Society; imprisoned for a short time in 1626; brought to Ferryland by Baltimore in 1627; performed Catholic masses and baptism at Ferryland; remained at Ferryland until 1629; Lahey says he is the first Catholic priest resident in British America;

Pollard, Christopher (also Polerds)

Avalon planter and tenant of Calverts in 1663; Ferryland planter boatkeeper in 1673; inhabitant of Ferryland in September 1673, when Governor Lovelace enumerated inhabitants who had lost their commodities, stores, cattle household goods, etc. to the Dutch in Caplin Bay from 1675; lost Caplin Bay plantation to French in 1696;

Pollard, John

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Poole, William I (born 1592)

at Ferryland winter of 1627/28; a Protestant whose child "...was baptized according to the orders and customes of the Church of Rome..." by Smith and/or Hackett; planter at Renews in 1652;

Poole, Sir William

Captain of HMS Leopard; conducted census of 1677;

Pope, John

Master of the John of Plymouth fishing at Ferryland in 1675;

Pope, John Jr.

Master of the Diamond of Barnstaple fishing at Ferryland in 1681;

Poullard, John

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Powdle, George

Master of the Amity fishing at Ferryland in 1675;

Powel, George

of Bideford; listed as Admiral of Ferryland in 1682;

Powell, Captain Daniel

at Ferryland winter of 1622/23;

Powell, George

Master of the Amity of Bideford fishing at Ferryland in 1677;

Power, James

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Power, Jeffery

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Power, Michael

fined £5 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Power, Patt [Patrick?]

Priest at Ferryland in 1788; excommunicated in 1787 but continued to function as a priest; appears to have been instrumental in inciting the riot of 1788, resulting in fines and lashings to 114 Ferryland residents;

Power, Richard

fined £1.1 for his part in the religious riot of 1788;

Power, T(?) Jr.

one of a number of merchants of Bideford who petitioned the Board of Trade on January 21, 1706 to have fortifications built at Ferryland;

Poynter, Francis

merchant or adventurer of Plymouth, England, who petitioned the Council of State in 1650 for the recall of Sir David Kirke from Ferryland; involved in the Newfoundland trade;

Prater, Iohn

Smithe; at Ferryland winter of 1622/23;

Pratt, James

testified on March 11, 1652 that he had sailed to Ferryland aboard the Pembrooke in 1638 and arrived there about a month before Sir David Kirke; testified that William Hill was dispossessed of the Mansion House by force;

Pratt, John

one of several residents of Ferryland in 1707 who petitioned the Board of Trade for protection for the fishery at Ferryland;

Prew, Humfry

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Prew, Thomas

resident of Ferryland displaced after the French attack of 1696; one of the signers of a petition to William III to provide protection for the Ferryland settlement; petition made at Appledore in 1697;

Pyles, Captain William

Commissioner for "managing and ordering the affairs and interest of [the] Commonwealth in Newfoundland" from June 1652 to June 1653;

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