Victims of the Stephenville Crash Hill Air Disaster

October 3, 1946

This page is from a heritage partnered project. It was written in 1998 by students from Stephenville Integrated High School and edited by their teachers. It has not been vetted by the heritage website's academic editor.

Benjamin R. Alpert Mary Jane Merrill
James M. Barry Ethel Meissler
Virginia Edwards Belanger Joseph H. Percy
Margaret Ann Burleigh Albert B. Ritts
Caroline Smith Crawford C. Frank Schmidt
Margot Caroline Crawford Ruth L. Schmidt
Helen Kent Downing John Thomas Simmons
Laurie Elizabeth Downing John Snell
Barbara Kent Downing Mark Spelar
Herbert D. Ewing Alda Boyd Stabler
R. Max Goepp Jr. Ph.D J. Otto Stern
Elizabeth Eastman Hawkins Edward Steuber
Lucy Jean Hawkins John T. Tierney Jr.
Vera C. Himes H. Eastburn Thompson Jr.
Robert B. Lehr Ludwig Valik
Jerome Lewis Harriet Van Houten
William Frederick Lotze Janet Van Houten
Dorothy Nelson McCormick William A. Westerfield
Alva J. Marley Claire Evans Zane
Rudolph Zane

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