William Wrixon, Ann Love and Amy Wrixon; 13 September, 1661

"Concerning the Lord Baltimore's possession of Newfoundland"

British Library, Egerton ms 2395, 309.
MHA 16-C-1-005. Transcribed by P.E. Pope.

Concerning the Lord Baltimore's possession of Newfoundland

Whereas there hath been information in this country given that two persons have sworn in the behalf of my Lord of Baltimore [Cecil Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore] that the said Lord of Baltimore did maintain and keep a continual possession... here in his provinces in Avalon, during this time of Sir David Kirke, therefore we, whose names are hereunder written, shall be ready to testify that the Lord Baltimore never had any possession nor person here upon his account, at the least of seven or eight years before the arrival of Sir David Kirke [i.e., since 1630]. Given under our hands, this 13th September, 1661.

William Wrixon
Ann Love
Amy Wrixon