[Commodore] John Underdown; 11 November, 1706

An Account of the Inhabitants, Boats, Stages, Fishing Ships, Fish caught etc., in Ferryland in the year 1706

Extract from "An Account of the Inhabitants, Boats, Stages, Fishing Ships, Fish caught etc., in Newfoundland in the year 1706"

Great Britain, PRO, Colonial Office, CO 194/3 (169iii), 565B.
CNS microfilm. Transcribed by P.E. Pope.

[Layout modified]

Isles d'Spere [Isles of Spear, at Tors Cove]

Included in the account from Ferryland


Inhabitants [Planters] 9
[Planters'] Men Servants 64
Women 7
Children 9
[Planters'] Boats 10
[Planters'] Stages 7
[Planters'] Train Vats 7
Fish Caught Quintals [by Planters] 3400
Train [Oil] Hogsheads [by Planters] 68
Fishing Ships 10
[Ships'] Boats 38
[Ships'] Stages 10
[Ships'] Train Vats 10
Fish Caught Quintals [by Ships' crews] 8600
Train [Oil] Hogsheads [by Ships' crews] 172