James Pratt; 11 March, 1652

Deposition [in Baltimore vs. David Kirke]

Maryland Historical Society, Calvert Papers, 174.
Published in Louis D. Scisco, "Calvert's Proceedings against Kirke", Canadian Historical Review, 8 (1927) 132-136, see 135-136. Revised by P.E. Pope.

James Pratt of St. Saviour's Dock, near Redriffe, in the County of Surrey, mariner, aged about thirty two years, deposeth that in or about the month of April which was in the year of our lord one thousand six hundred thirty-eight [1638], he, this deponent, went from London to Newfoundland in the good ship the PEMBROOKE, whereof William Copeland was master and one Henry Tylliar captain, who was employed as agent for Sir David Kirke, the said deponent being then servant to the said Captain Tylliar. And further deposeth that arriving at a place called Ferryland in Newfoundland, in or about the month of June then next following, this deponent found one Captain William Hill residing and dwelling in the chief Mansion House at Ferryland, who did keep possession thereof for and on the behalf of the Lord Baltimore as his agent and deputy there. And he further deposeth that about a month after Sir David Kirke arrived there himself, in the good ship the JOHN, Captain Russell master, which Sir David Kirke did, upon his said arrival, demand possession of the said chief Mansion House and place of the said Captain William Hill, which Captain Hill did refuse to deliver. Yet finding himself not able to resist Sir David Kirke['s] power, was afterwards enforced to yield the possession thereof to the said Sir David Kirke and retire himself to another place in Ferryland and afterwards was enforced to go to the north side of the said harbour and died some years after (as this deponent understood, and verily believeth) in Newfoundland, within the precincts of the Lord Baltimore's patent of Avalon.

[signed] James Pratt
Sworn the 11th of March 1651
John Page
Sheffield Stubbs

11 March, 1651 James Pratt's Affidavit concerning Sir David
Kirke and Avalon in Newfoundland