Amy Taylor; 29 August, 1652

Examination on the Interrogatories of David Kirke, in Baltimore vs. D. Kirke.

Maryland Historical Society, Calvert Papers, 174/200.
Published in Louis D. Scisco, "Testimony Taken at Newfoundland in 1652", Canadian Historical Review 9 (1928), 239-251, see 244-245. Revised by P.E. Pope.

The answer of Amy Taylor, inhabitant of Fermeuse to her examination upon the Interrogatories ministered on the part and behalf of Sir David Kirke, Tuesday August the 29th, 1652.

1 To the first [re the personal bias of the witness], she answers that she came to be examined by order of the Commissioners. She hath no share nor interest in any business that she may get by them; but she loves Sir David Kirke best and would give the victory to Sir David. And as for any recompense expressed, she expects none but labour for her pains. She says she has not been instructed or taught what to say by any in this cause.

2 To the second [re previous coaching of the witness] she can say nothing.

3 To the third [re extent of personal knowledge of the Calvert business], she answers that she saw the old Lord of Baltimore [Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore] here but for the young Lord Cecil [Cecil Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore] she never saw here.

4 To the fourth [re personal knowledge of the use of Calvert properties], she answers that she was in the Land [Newfoundland] when Sir David Kirke arrived in the Land but, [as] for the young Lord Baltimore, she never saw him here but one Captain Hill [William Hill] was here one year before Sir David Kirke came. And she was then living in another harbour, so that she saw no boats nor any such things as is expressed.

5 To the fifth [re personal knowledge of Calvert's patent and of receipts from Kirke's imposition], she answers that she saw the patent that the Lord of Baltimore had for to receive this Land, which was granted by King James. And the seal of it, as she doth very well remember, was of green wax.

The mark of X Amy Taylor