Select Bibliography: Mary Dalton

Primary Works Written by Mary Dalton:

Allowing the Light. St. John's, NL: Breakwater Books, 1993. Print.

"A Book to Break Spells." (muse)Letters: A Journal of the League of Canadian Poets (1998): 33-38. Print.

"Review of Hard Light." The Evening Telegram 10 Nov. 1996: 15. Print.

The Time of Icicles. St. John's, NL: Breakwater Books, 1989. Print.

"To capture the Sound of Water: Some Thoughts on a Language Denied." Language(s)/prison(s). Ed. Nela Rio. Toronto: Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets, 1999. Print.

Dalton, Mary et al, eds. Wild on the Crest: Sea Poems of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John's: Jeroboam Books, 1995. Print.

Secondary Works:

Porter, Bruce. "Ambivalence is the Best I can Do: An Interview with Mary Dalton." TickleAce 29 (1995): 17-35.