Newfoundland Regiment Drum and Bugle Band, Aldershot, England, 1915
Identified: Front row, l-r: C. Field, Alexander Hennebury (Regt. # 461), Eric McKenzie Robertson (Regt.# 497), Ernest Pike, Sgt. John Joseph Oakley (Regt.# 392), Sgt. Walter Cameron Taylor (Regt.# 452), J. Nichol.
Centre row, l-r: J. Blyde (Regt. # 280; killed in action, Gallipoli), S/M Andrews, L/Cpl. Finlay McK. [McNeil] Campbell Richards (Regt. # 8), unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Edward George Nauftall [Noftall], [?] Tilley, unidentified, unidentified.
Back row, l-r: unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Capt. Eric Reginald Augustus Chafe M.C. (Regt.# O-49/52), unidentified.
No individuals identified are noted as musicians in their service records or in lists of known bandsmen. On the attached list, Oakley and Taylor are named as Sergeants. They were not promoted to Sergeant rank until 1916 and are wearing Corporal stripes in this photo. Chafe received promotion to Capt. in 1918; was Lance/Corporal in this photo.
Courtesy of The Rooms Provincial Archives Division (B-3-21), St. John's, NL.